Saturday, November 30, 2019

Was Reconstruction a Failure free essay sample

Many people have asked me about my opinion on whether or not reconstruction was a failure. I feel as though reconstruction was a failure. There are several reasons why I feel this way. First of all, it was a failure due to the opinion on race. Second of all, reconstruction was thought of as a bad idea. Lastly, reconstruction for equality was a failure. As stated above, it was a failure due to the opinion on race. Say this because for example, racism laded in a big part of the Please vs..Ferguson case. What happened was that On June 7, 1892, homer Please boarded a car of the East Louisiana Railroad that was designated for use by white patrons Only, as mandated by State law. Although Please was born a free person and was one-eighth black and seven- eighths white, under a Louisiana law enacted in 1 890, he was classified as Black, and thus required to sit in the colored car. We will write a custom essay sample on Was Reconstruction a Failure? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When, in an act of planned disobedience, Please refused to leave the white car and move to the colored AR, he was arrested and jailed.Another thing is that, radical republican governments were unable or unwilling to enact land reform or to provide former slaves with the economic resources needed to break the cycle of poverty. Like I had said before, reconstruction was thought of as a bad idea. This is stated because many people thought of the reconstruction plan as a bad idea, thats when the black codes came in. The black codes were nothing but a form of disguised slavery.Although they gave blacks the right to own land, and go to court; they still werent aloud to serve on a jury or aloud to vote. black codes just made it easier for the people of the south to continue with their poor treatment towards blacks. As a result, Black codes did nothing but for the south but put them in further segregation. Lastly, reconstruction for equality was a failure. Southern whites rejected all forms of equality and the blacks wanted nothing but their full freedom and their own and.This rejection led to frequent riots. Racial bias was a national, not a regional, Problem. After the panic of 1 873, northerners were more concerned with economic problems than with the problems of former slaves. In conclusion, at the end of reconstruction, former slaves found themselves once again in a subordinate position in society. I hope the readers understand of my judgment as to why reconstruction was a failure. Was Reconstruction a Failure?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

ZINN chapter Essays

ZINN chapter Essays ZINN chapter Essay ZINN chapter Essay Today the United States must still be the alpha dog, greater than all other countries but it isnt about who has the larger club its about who has he bigger weapon. If you asked people on the streets if they thought violence was appropriate for achieving things most would say no unless it was absolutely necessary. This is idea has been instilled in us for many years. We are taught not to use violence unless its needed but what if we were taught that violence is never needed? Maybe our politicians wouldnt send millions to people to die in wars that are necessary, maybe there would be billions of dollars left over to educate our children, create jobs, and clean our planet. Politicians have been using this concept for years by telling us that it is accessory to kill millions of people in war and it is necessary for billions of dollars to be spent on weapons. Not many people have questioned authority and plead for justice and if they had not very many of us have heard of it, Chapter I I is ultimately about achieving justice without massive violence using dissent. P-1) Dissent is the ultimate power. P. 2) Nonviolent direct action is an example of dissent. Therefore, nonviolent direct action is the ultimate power The argument is valid; premise 2 is acceptable because many protesters use nonviolent direct action to express their dissent. Premises is also valid because the whole book is about dissent being the ultimate power. Overall, the argument is sound. Nonviolent direct action is more powerful than nonviolence, on page 289 Zion uses an example of Dry. Martin Luther King Jar. Being praised by many political leaders for his nonviolence. These same leaders are the ones who have done violent acts to other people and countries. The difference between nonviolence alone and nonviolent direct action is that nonviolent direct action is about striking at injustice immediate rather than waiting and being passive. Direct action does not deride using he political rights, the civil liberties, even the voting mechanisms in those societies where they are available( as in the United States), but it recognize the limitations of those controlled rights and goes beyond. (Passionate Declarations, 289). Zion tells that freedom and justice have been excuses if violence but are still our goals; however, we must achieve them in different ways than we did in the past. Zion starts Chapter 2: Machiavellian Realism and U. S. Foreign Policy: Me and Ends, with an example of direct action being used over 500 years ago. Is the story of a monk in Florence named Savonarola who was hanged for reaching the belief that people could be guided by their natural reason. Since his beliefs threatened the importance of the Church fathers, Savonarola was arrested and tortured for ten days before he gave them a confession. The monk was sentenced to death and was hanged, stoned, and burned in front of the public. Machiavelli refers to Savonarola and says, Thus it corn about that all armed prophets have conquered and unarmed ones failed. Political ideas are centered on the issue of ends (what kind of society do M want? ) and means (How will we get it? ). Today people can express views the hearten the importance of our leaders without such drastic consequences but many do not. There is widespread fear that if people speak against government and war that they are unpatriotic or worse, terrorists. Freedom and justice are the most patriotic ideas there are and they are not attained bombing innocent civilians or having bigger, better weapons; they are attained by recognizing and speaking against the injustices of the world. Another example of dissent being used is in Chapter 8: Free Speech, on page 189 Zion shows the reader a false analogy made by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. In 191 7 The Espionage Act was written and months later a man named Charles Science was arrested, tried, and found guilty for violating the Espionage Act. Science had been handing out leaflet in Philadelphia denouncing the draft and the war. Science appealed his ca on the grounds that Congress shall make no law.. Holmes responded WI this statement: The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such resistances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent. This statement was accurate; however, is shouting Fire! same as handing out leaflets to people on the street. Falsely shouting fire would cause panic in a theatre and is wrong. He was only trying to inform t naive public of the perils of war. Science was not intending to cause panic, was only trying to save lives. Science used nonviolent direct action, he did care about laws stopping him from making his message and when he did n troubl e he fought congress. In Chapter 6: Law and Justice, we hear more about the most active person in nonviolent direct action Dry. Martin Luther King Jar. Ho spoke not only about racial injustice but about the evils of war. During the time he was urge not to speak against the war because it may affect Johnnys program of domestic reform but he refused to be silenced. Somehow this madness muff cease. We must stop now. I speak as a child of God and brother to the suffering poor in Vietnam. I speak for those whose land is being laid waste, whose homes are being destroyed, whose culture is being subverted. I speak for the poor of America who are paying the double price of smashed hopes E home and death and corruption in Vietnam. I speak as a citizen of the world that stands aghast at the path we have taken. I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop must be ours. (Passionate Declarations, 131). Kings profound statement is the ultimate example of direct action. He is not threatening anyone in his words and he is still making an effective plea to the American people. This message gave many people initiative to dissent to the war. Over half a million men resisted the draft; there were more protests than any the war, and many individual acts of disobedience. Passionate Declarations is filled with stories about amazing people doing amazing things to stand up for what they believe. After reading this book, I was inspired to use direct action towards what I believe. Im not going to go burn my draft papers or chain myself to a tree but will be more vocal in expressing my beliefs without the fear of other people judging me. Freedom and justice are never going to be attainable if we do not take action. Overall, he message Zion is trying to make with chapter 1 1 is that weapons and fear are not as powerful as our beliefs as a people.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Basic Writing - Definition and Examples in Composition Studies

Basic Writing s in Composition Studies Basic writing is a pedagogical term for the writing of high risk students who are perceived to be unprepared for conventional college courses in freshman composition. The term basic writing was  introduced in the 1970s as an alternative to  remedial  or  developmental writing. In her ground-breaking book Errors and Expectations (1977), Mina Shaughnessy says that basic writing tends to be represented by small numbers of words with large numbers of errors. In contrast, David Bartholomae argues that a  basic writer  is not necessarily a writer who makes a lot of  mistakes (Inventing the University, 1985).  Elsewhere he observes that the distinguishing mark of the basic writer is that he works  outside the conceptual structures that  his more literate counterparts work within (Writing on the Margins, 2005). In the article Who Are Basic Writers? (1990), Andrea Lunsford and Patricia A. Sullivan conclude that the population of basic writers continues to resist our best attempts at description and definition. Observations Mina Shaughnessy had much to do with encouraging the acceptance of basic writing as a distinct area of teaching and research. She named the field and founded in 1975 the Journal of Basic Writing, which continues as one of the most important vehicles for the dissemination of research articles. In 1977, she published one of the most important scholarly books on the subject, Errors and Expectations, a book that remains the most important single study of basic writers and their prose... [O]ne of the values of her book is that she showed teachers how they could, by viewing errors as linguistic misconceptions, determine the causes of writing problems that on the surface might appear confusing and unconnected.(Michael G. Moran and Martin J. Jacobi, Introduction. Research in Basic Writing: A Bibliographic Sourcebook. Greenwood Press, 1990) Speaking (and Writing) the Language of the University Every time a student sits down to write for us, he has to invent the university for the occasioninvent the university, that is, or a branch of it, like History or Anthropology or Economics or English. He has to learn to speak our language, to speak as we do, to try on the peculiar ways of knowing, selecting, evaluating, reporting, concluding, and arguing that defines the discourse of our community...One response to the problems of basic writers, then, would be to determine just what the communitys conventions are, so that those conventions can be written out, demystified, and taught in our classrooms, Teachers, as a result, could be more precise and helpful when they ask students to think, argue, describe, or define. Another response would be to examine the essays written by basic writerstheir approximations of academic discourseto determine more clearly where the problems lie. If we look at their writing, and if we look at it in the context of other student writing, we can better se e the points of discord when students try to write their way into the university.  (David Bartholmae, Inventing the University. When a Writer Can’t Write: Studies in Writer’s Block and Other Composing-Process Problems, ed. by Mike Rose. Guilford Press, 1985) [T]he real challenge for us as teachers of basic writing lies in helping our students become more proficient at abstracting and conceptualizing and hence at producing acceptable academic discourse, without losing the directness many of them now possess.  (Andrea Lunsford, quoted by Patricia Bizzell in Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992) Where Do Basic Writers Come From? [T]he research does not support the view that basic writers come from any single social class or discourse community... Their backgrounds are too complex and rich to support simple generalizations about class and psychology to be particularly useful in helping to understand these students.(Michael G. Moran and Martin J. Jacobi, Research in Basic Writing. Greenwood, 1990) The Problem With the Growth Metaphor Many early studies of basic writing in the 1970s and 80s drew on the metaphor of growth in order to talk about the difficulties faced by basic writers, encouraging teachers to view such students as inexperienced or immature users of language and defining their task as one of helping students develop their nascent skills in writing... The growth model pulled attention away from the forms of academic discourse and towards what students could or could not do with language. It also encouraged teachers to respect and work with the skills students brought to the classroom. Implicit in this view, though, was the notion that many students, and especially less successful or basic writers, were somehow stuck in an early stage of language development, their growth as language users stalled...Yet this conclusion, pretty much forced by the metaphor of growth, ran counter to what many teachers felt they knew about their studentsmany of whom were returning to school after years of work, most of who m were voluble and bright in conversation, and almost all of whom seemed at least as adept as their teachers in dealing with the ordinary vicissitudes of life... What if the trouble that they were having with writing at college was less a sign of some general failing in their thought or language than evidence of their unfamiliarity with the workings of a specific sort of (academic) discourse?(Joseph Harris, Negotiating the Contact Zone. Journal of Basic Writing, 1995. Reprinted in Landmark Essays on Basic Writing, ed. by Kay Halasek and Nels P. Highberg. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Power of the Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Power of the Internet - Essay Example Others, however, have argued this view on the effects of the internet on users to be invalid. It is invalid because available evidence indicates that the internet enhances social communication skills, increases sociability and expands the opportunities one has for socialization. Accordingly, despite arguments to the contrary, the internet has played a constructive social role whereby, rather than induce social isolation, it has expanded users' social circles and brought people closer together. The use of the Internet as a medium of communication and, indeed, its treatment as a social space, a place where people meet, interact and form relationships and friendships, has been criticized by many. As Scott Sleek, a Monitor staff reporter writes, "the internet connects us with people we might otherwise never meet - and may be leaving us lonelier than ever." The internet, quite paradoxically, puts us in touch with people even as it isolates us from them, because it creates false social relations which are devoid of one-one-one interpersonal interactions (Sleek). According to this viewpoint, therefore, the Internet encourages the development of antisocial behavior because it acclimatizes people to virtual communications and relations, as opposed to one-on-one communications and relations. While conceding to the fact that many have argued the Internet to have an adverse social impact upon users, the professors of psychology, Leo Sang-Ming Whang and Geunyoung Chang, insist otherwise. As they contend, studies indicate that the internet has definitely induced the development of antisocial behavior among some users but these same studies have indicated that it has only had that effect on those who had a pre-existing anti-social tendency. This view finds additional support in an article entitled "The Internet's Paradoxical Effect." As stated in this article, psychological theory and fact have incontrovertibly established the internet as powerless in changing behavior or changing character. That is to say, the Internet simply does not have the power to make people anti-social. Instead, "the Internet exaggerates existing conditions. If you are isolated to begin with, the Internet can make you more isolated" ("The Paradoxical"). Accordingly, rather than transform users' chara cters, the Internet feeds into their existing personality traits, wherein one who is anti-social becomes even more so. Empirical and scientific evidence further support the argument which disputes the power of the internet to transform people into anti-social beings. Tony Silverman, a social psychologist, studied the Internet's impact on the social behavior of users through the observation of 169 internet users during the first two years of their internet use (Silverman, 232). The people studied here were given a full psychiatric examination to see how sociable they were. At the end of the study, these people were given another test. The results revealed that in the majority of cases, people who were anti-social at the beginning of the study remained anti-social while those who were sociable remained sociable (232). In some cases, internet use made antisocial people more sociable, leading to the conclusion that the internet does not create anti-social behaviour but "can enhance social communication" (Silverman, 232). The implication here is that the Internet facilitates the development o

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Discussion - Essay Example There is a lot of corruption in the world which causes people to forget about the main problem, which is health. Third-world countries increasing population makes it harder for governments to focus on one major aspect which is good health and proper sanitation. Poverty, corruption and uncontrolled population are some clear reasons for the lack of a healthy life in many parts of the world. However, the notion that all is well in the First World and things are irredeemable in the Third World is an overstatement. While healthy habits and personal hygiene are better looked after in developed countries thanks to their economic stability, the fact that medical services have become extremely expensive in these countries poses a threat to common people when they are required to take prolonged treatment for their illnesses. Moreover, the after effects of recession make it difficult for people in developed countries to buy quality food in the global market, while those in the Third World are still able to have healthy food on daily basis thanks to the local markets that don’t charge exorbitant prizes for meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. It is true that in places like India, the idea of hygiene in public places have to evolve in order to mee t international standards. However, large scale pollution from industrial areas that harm the entire world comes mainly from the First World, as they move blindly towards profit. When compared to this catastrophe, a lifestyle change among common people in the Third World would be easier, with proper awareness programmes. Issues of poverty can somehow be managed, but the other two problems, of corruption and population, are to be addressed more seriously, and a farsighted approach to minimize them should be the priority of governments. 2. Providing the means of a healthy life to the world’s people is too costly. Poor decisions are made everyday when it comes to feeding our families in order to avoid such an

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Imagine you are Directing Essay Example for Free

Imagine you are Directing Essay Introduction I intend to study the Crucible by Arthur Miller. I will be looking at act 3, through the eyes of a director. The character I will mainly be focusing on is Abigail Williams, a late teen who had committed adultery with the well thought of, John Proctor. The play was written in 1952 and was an allegory of the political state of America under the supervision of Senator Joseph McCarthy. The play was set in 1692 in a god-fearing, puritan village that was isolated in the east of Massachusetts. This play is based upon the Salem witchcraft trials, two centuries before the book was written and therefore the location of the play was thought of to be masking the anti-communist message it was portraying. The basis of the play is of a group of young female teens that had danced in the woods within the hours of darkness. Yet because of the beliefs that these acts were closely related to witchcraft, the readings of the bible would instruct them to hang all those who participated. Yet to avoid their own prosecution the blame was passed to many innocent people, including a West Indian slave, who because of her colour and belief in spells was an easy target and another was the wife of John Proctor. John himself then becomes the main suspicion of practicing witchcraft after the tables are turned once again. He was asked to give names of those he knows of having connections with the devil to save his own life, he refused to answer their questions as did Miller when he was summoned before McCarthys House Un-American Activities Committee. This was very similar to the condition of America around the early 1950s when the country was in a situation of corruption. Many innocent people had come to a gritty end, after scapegoats that were part of McCarthys House Un-American Activities Committee, could prove them guilty on the flimsiest of evidence. Stage Design I have chosen the below layout because I believe it gives the best possible chance for all of the characters to be seen and heard clearly throughout this act. Dramatic Techniques As a director the dramatic techniques of Miller Display complete essay The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

America’s Insatiable Appetite for Cocaine Essay -- Exploratory Essays

America’s Insatiable Appetite for Cocaine Where does Coca-Cola get its name? Why was it created? In 1886, the Georgia pharmacist, John Pemberton, designed Coca-Cola as a headache remedy and a stimulant. The original beverage contained cocaine and was used both as an intoxicating beverage and a medically useful tonic. The effects of the drink helped make it popular. Only in the early twentieth century was the drug eliminated from the Coca-Cola recipe and replaced with increased amounts of caffeine.[1]   Cocaine has a long history which also involves the once condoned use for medicinal purposes in the 1890's to being one of the most widespread abused drug today. Cocaine was the first effective local anesthetic for use in minor surgery. Before being used in medicine, the Inca civilization of Peru confined the use of coca to the royal classes and priesthood because the leaves were considered a symbol of divinity, a gift bestowed by the sun god. They clearly appreciated its pharmacological effects: deflecting fatigue and hunger, enhancing endurance, and promoting a sense of happiness.[1] Other civilizations gave cocaine to their slaves and workers instead of food and rest. "There is ample evidence that Indians under the influence of coca can withstand exceptional hardships and perform heavy labor, without requiring proper nourishment during that time....[By] using coca the Indians are able to travel on foot for hundreds of hours and run faster than horses without showing signs of fatigu e."[11] What is cocaine? How does cocaine increase alertness and decrease one's appetite? It is all in the head, more accurately, in the brain.   Cocaine is derived from the coca plant Erythroxylon coca in a white crystalline alkaloid powder. ... .... 5. Holden, Constance. "Cocaine Shrinks Your Brain?" Science. 248: April 1990, p. 167. 6. Cowen, Ron. "Cocaine and the Nervous System." Science News. 137: April 1990, p. 238. 7. Mendelson, Jack H., M.d. et al. "Anterior, Adrenal, and Gonadal Hormones During Cocaine Withdrawal." The American Journal of Psychiatry. 145: September 1988, p. 1095. 8. Volkow, Nora D., M.D. et al. "Changes in Brain Glucose Metabolism in Cocaine Dependence and Withdrawal." The American Journal of Psychiatry. 148: May 1991, p. 621. 9. Satel, Sally L., M.D. et al. "Clinical Phenomenology and Neurobiology of Cocaine Abstinence: A Prospective Inpatient Study." The American Journal of Psychiatry. 148: December 1991. P. 1713. 10. Gawin, Frank H. "Cocaine Addiction: Psychology and Neurophysiology." Science. 251: March 1991. P. 1580. 11. Freud, Sigmund. "Uber Coca." July 1884.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Bikram Yoga

The philosophy and practice of Yoga date back to ancient times, originating perhaps as early as 5,000 to 8,000 years ago. It has been argued that the rules or percepts set down in the first systematic work on Yoga, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, do not set forth a philosophy, but are practical instructions for attaining certain psychological states. Over many millennia, different yogic meditative techniques had been developed and used to restore and maintain health, and ultimately to attain states of enlightenment.Yogic meditative techniques have been transmitted through Kundalini yoga, Sahaja yoga, Hatha yoga and the other yogic lineages. Though there are numerous styles of yoga; the styles vary according to the emphasis and combination of four primary components: asanas, pranayamas, mantras, and the various meditation techniques. In Kundalini yoga, there are thousands of different postures, some dynamic and some static, and also thousands of different mediation techniques, many of which are disorder specific.Kundalini yoga meditation techniques are usually practiced while maintaining a straight spine, and employ a large number of specific, and highly structured breathing patterns, various eye and hand postures, and a wide variety of mantras. All of these techniques supposedly have different effects and benefits in their respective combinations. 38 History of Bikram Yoga Bikram Choudhury founded the Yoga College of India in Beverly Hills, California, in 1974. Bikram combined ancient yoga doctrines with scientific input from doctors at the Tokyo University Hospital to put together a modernized and standardized workout.Bikram yoga is an intelligently designed series of twenty-six postures that works the body from the inside out. Each posture strengthens and stretches the muscles for the next posture. Breathing is coordinated with the postures, and there are also separate breathing exercises. Bikram yoga also trains the mind through meditation to improve self-control, determination, concentration, and patience. (Simpkins, Annellen 36) This is one of the most often prescribed yoga styles. Bikram Choudhury was himself a multi-sport athlete.He was a marathon runner and a world record holder in Olympic weightlifting. Once known mainly as â€Å"the yoga of the stars,† this style of hatha spread the United States via Beverly Hills. Bikram yoga is better known today as â€Å"Hot Yoga† because it is taught in a room kept at approximately 90 degrees Celsius. What many people do not know is that although this style is purported to have originated with its namesake Bikram Choudhury, it actually can be traced back to Bishnu Gosh, the brother of Paramahansa Yogananda who founded the Self-Realization Fellowship in 1925. 26 Asanas of Bikram YogaThe important pranayama and asanas for correcting abdominal disorders are: Pranayama with Rechala and Puraka, Uttanapada asana, Pawana Mukta asana, Bhujanga asana, Shalabha asana, Pashchimottan asanas, and pranayama are described and illustrated: PRANAYAMA (with Rechaka and Puraka) Pranayana is a special kind of breathing exercise. There are various forms of pranayama; though each is done differently, most have these three steps in common: Rechaka (Exhalation) Puraka (Inhalation) Kumbhaka (Retention) In this particular pranayama, there are only rechaka and puraka but no kumbhaka (retention of the breath).One significant aspect of this pranayama is that it is a diaphragmatic breathing. In this exercise, the stomach is rhythmically pulled in and out. It is very important to remember that the stomach is not pushed upward and downward. Benefits: This asana activates the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and the whole abdominal area. Because of this internal activation, it removes constipation, wind troubles, indigestion, dysentery, diarrhea, acidity, and gastrointestinal disorders. This asanas also brings flexibility to the spine and invigorates the eyes, face, lungs, chest, neck, shoulders, and the whole upper area of the body.Since it is a harmless asana, it is recommended for every practitioner. (Sinha 34) PASHCHIMOTTAN ASANA (Posterior stretch pose) Sit on the floor and stretch both legs in front. Keep the heels and toes together. Be seated firmly, with the spine, neck, and head straight. At this stage, the hands should be on the floor on both sides of the legs. DHANUR ASANA (Bow Pose) Lie on your stomach. Keep your arms stretched on both sides. Rest your head on either cheek on the floor. Bring the legs and heels together. Breathe normally. Bend both legs at the knees and bring the heels close to your hips.Then grasp the right ankle with the right hand and the left ankle with the left hand. If you find it difficult to reach the ankles, your may hold the toes. Now, holding either the ankles or the toes firmly, bring the knees and the ankles close together. Keep the cheek on the floor. Benefits: Dhanur asana activates all the glands of the endocrinal system. The pancreas becomes fully energized because of the internal as well as external impact of this asana on it. Thus, there is an all-round conditioning of the pancreas. As a result, its normal health is restored and it begins to release insulin properly.The asana has a good effect on the adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, and sex glands. Because the cells of all these glands are activated, the secretion of their respective hormones becomes normal. This asana corrects disorders of the joints, spinal cords, lungs, chest, and abdomen. It removes various types of stomach troubles, develops digestive power, and eliminates extra weight and fat. The asana has some specific benefits for women: it corrects menstrual disorders and order troubles related to the reproductive organs. (Sinha 63,64, 44, 45)UJJAYEE PRANAYAMA (In Lying Position) Pranayama is mainly a kriya (exercise) with air. It contains â€Å"life force† (Prana Shakti). It also has an absorbing, activating, and massaging capacity. Because of these qualities, air is regarded as a great purifier as well as a giver of life to the inner organs of the body. The body makes full use of these qualities during pranayama. Ujjayee Pranayama can be practiced in two positions: standing and lying. There is full impact of it in the first position and a little less in the second. But the first is a strenuous and the secondis easier.Therefore, practitioners are advised to practice Ujjayee lying down for one month and then may switch to the standing position. Benefits: The most remarkable benefits of Ujjayee are that it does the internal purification, activation, and energizing, together with external control and conditioning, all at the same time. For asthmatics, Ujjayee is most effective for correcting and strengthening the lungs and the bronchiole linings. (Sinha 70, 73) TARA ASANA (Palm Tree Pose): Stand up and make a forty-five degree angle with the feet. Let the hands hang loosely at the sides. Keep the body straight an d look ahead at eye level.Breathe normally. This is the position of readiness. Benefits: Tara asana strengthens the lungs and chest. Though the outward activation in this kriya is of the hands, it internally activates the lungs, muscles of the chest, and the respiratory system. For asthamatics, therefore, it provides a corrective as well as a strengthening effect to their bronchioles and lungs. For general practitioners, Tara asana has several benefits. It enhances the measurement of the chest. Those whose chests are not properly developed can find this asana more beneficial by making the chest proportionate.It builds up the chest muscles in an all-round way and has a curative effect for any disorder of this area. To add a few inches to their height might also find it very rewarding. People suffering from pain in their shoulder joints can correct their disorders through Tara asana. (Sinha 76, 79) YOGA MUDRA (Yoga Symbol): The perfect way of practicing the Yoga Mudra is to be in the Lotus Pose first. But it is not easy for everyone to sit in the Lotus Pose. Hence, those who cannot do it should sit on the floor with folded legs. Bring both hands behind the back. Grab the wrist of one hand with the other hand.Make a fist with the hand which is being held. At this stage, keep the hands loose and let them rest on the back. Straighten the spine. Look in front while keeping the neck and head erect. This is the position of readiness. SIMHA ASANA (Lion Pose) Put a blanket or a towel on the floor. Bend both legs at the knees and sit on the curve of soles and toes, keeping the heels apart and turned upwards under the hips. Since it might be difficult for some persons to make this curve with the toes, soles, and heels, they are advised to sit on their bent legs in any position they can possibly manage to make.After being seated either on the curve of the heels or in any position, do the following: straighten the body. Keep the head, neck, and spine in one line. Look in fr ont. Put the palms of the hands on their respective knees. Breathe normally. Benefits: Simha asan is very famous for its various remarkable benefits. It has medicinal value for curing throat trouble, voice deficiency, and tonsillitis. It also has a good effect on the respiratory system. It activates the larynx, trachea, and all the bronchioles. It invigorates the thyroid cartilages.Because of this internal activation and invigoration, health is restored to the whole respiratory system and its disorders are removed. This is an easy asana which can be done by anyone. (Sinha 83, 84) SARVANGA ASANA (Whole Body Pose) Lie down on your back on the floor. Place the palms down next to the body. Bring the heels and toes together and keep them loose. Straighten the whole body and look towards the ceiling. Breathe normally. Benefits: Sarvanga asana is one of the most valued asanas of the Hatha Yoga system. As its name indicates, it is indeed an asana of the whole body.There is hardly any area o f the body which is not energized, activated, and exercised during this asana. Because of its wholeness in effect, it is regarded next only to the king of all asanas—Shirsha asana (Head Stand Pose). The asana has countless benefits. Therefore it is a very desirable asana for general practitioners. It corrects any disorder of the circulatory system; supplies blood to the facial tissues; removes constipation, gastric disorders, and abdominal troubles; strengthens the digestive system; and energizes all the sex glands. (Sinha 85, 86) MATSYA ASANA (Fish Pose)After practicing Sarvanga asana, it is necessary to do Matsya asana. There are several good reasons for this. Certain asanas activate certain parts of the body more than others. To reverse this difference of impact, such asanas are followed by particular asanas to create a balance. For example, during Sarvanga asanas the head, neck, and shoulders are passive and the lower areas of the body are active. To create a balance, Sar vanga is followed by the Matsya asana so that the head, neck, and shoulders become active and the lower areas of the body remain passive.Thus, by doing the Matsya asana after the Sarvanga asana, the whole body is activated properly and in a balanced way. There are two ways of doing the Matsya asana: 1) With the Lotus Pose, and 2) Without being in the Lotus Pose. The first form is regarded as superior to the second, but both are equally beneficial. SANTULAN ASANA (Balancing Pose): Place a carpet on the floor and stand on it. Make the body straight and firm. Look straight ahead. Let the hands hang at the sides. This is the position of readiness. Benefits:Santulan asana is mainly a kriya of the major joints of the body. It removes their rigidity and makes them flexible. It also normalizes the blood circulation in the affected areas and tones up the muscles. As a result of enhanced blood circulation and muscle conditioning, pain in the joints is corrected. This asana has a curative effe ct on the knees, ankles, shoulder joints, wrists, palms, and fingers. SETUBANDHA ASANA (Bridge Pose): Lie down with your back on the floor. Bend the legs at the knees and bring the heels close to the hips.Keep the heels about two or three inches apart. Let the knees also be about three inches apart. Bring your hands close to the body on both sides. Put the palms on the floor. Look straight up and breathe normally. This is the position of readiness. Benefits: The main impact of Setubandha asana is on the spine and the hip joints. Those who have pain either in any part of the spine or in the hip joints strongly advised to practice this asana. SIDDHA ASANA (Auspicious Pose): Persons with moderate joint pain of any type can be completely cured if they practice the asanas of this series.Chronic cases, however, might take a little longer time than up to this point to become fully cured. Therefore, patients with chronic arthritis are advised to practice all the asanas regularly. Sit on a c arpeted floor and stretch out both legs in front. Keep your spine straight and firm. Look in front. Keep the hands on the floor. Breathe normally. This is the position of readiness. (Sinha 87, 93, 95, 106, 107, 108) It must be emphasized that one must eat a proper diet along with the regular practice of yoga to get satisfactory results.Other forms of Bikram Yoga like Ardha Chandrasana with Pada-Hastasan (Half Moon Pose with Hands to feet Pose),Utkatasana (Awkward Pose), Garurasana (Eagle Pose), Dandayaman –JanuShirasana Standing Head to Knee pose), Dhanurasana (Standing Bow Pulling Pose), Tuladandasana (Balancing Stick Pose), Dandayamana (Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose), Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Padangustasna (Toe Stand Pose), Pavanamukrasana (Wind Removing Pose), Sit Up (Sit Up), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Salabhasana (Locust Pose), Poorna- Salabhasana (Full Locust Pose), Supta-Vajrasana (Fixed Firm Pose), Ardha- Kurmasana (Half Tortoise Pose), Ustrasana (Camel Po se), Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose) Janushirasana with Paschimottanasana (Head To Knee Pose with Stretching Pose), Ardha- Matsyendrasana (Spine Twisting Pose), Khapalbhati (Blowing In Firm). All these forms of Bikram Yoga are beneficial for the health of both men and women. All forms have their own special significance and provide extra energy to the body. Harms of Yoga: Yoga or any other exercise—done carelessly or aggressively can be harmful. Do not approach yoga practice hastily or aggressively.Constant attention to breathing an alignment distinguishes yoga form calisthenics and acrobatic, making it rehabilitative for the body and the spirit. Using each pose to create inner quietness and peach will move you towards healing and rejuvenation. But if a person attempt to do yoga poses without attention to the principles of good body mechanics and proper spinal alignment, it will hurt. If people have limited flexibility, person can suffer back injuries in forward bends or backbends. And it person will attempt to fit his inflexible (or overly flexible) body into yoga poses as demonstrate by accomplished yoga practitioners, harm can result. (Schatz 30) Conclusion:In Bikram yoga practice, the body temperature is forced up by sealing off the room and turning the heat up high; this helps to warm muscles and flush toxins from the body. Bikram involves a set sequence of postures. There are twenty-six of these, and each one is usually practices twice. Standing and balance poses come first, followed by back bends, forward bends, and twisting postures. Breathing is emphasized, and the Ujjayi breaths as well as fire breath are practiced. In a Bikram yoga class, use a mirror and are encourages watching yourself; it's said that you are your own best teacher. A Bikram yoga class makes for an intense workout and tends to attract men for that reason. However, Bikram yoga is meant to be open to everyone whatever your sex, age, or state of health.A certified Bikram yoga teacher should be able to help you pace yourself and make any necessary adaptations to postures. (Tomlinson 80, 81)) References Meditation practices for health state of the research. US: DIANE Publishing38 Simpkins, Alexander. Annellen, M, Simpkins. (2003). Yoga Basics. US: Tuttle Publishing. 36 Sinha, Phulgenda. (2005). Yoga Therapy for Common Health Problems: (Including Drug Abuse, Alcoholism†¦US: iUniverse 34, 63, 64, 44, 45, 83, 84, 85, 8687, 93, 95, 106, 107,108) Schatz, Pullig, Mary. (1992). Back Care Basics: Doctors Gentle Yoga Program for Back and Neck Pain Relief. London: Rodmell Press. 30 Tomlinson, Cybele. (2000). Simple Yoga. Red Wheel Publishers. 80, 81.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Factitious Disorder

PERSUASIVE WRITING INTRODUCTION A persuasive essay is one where the writers chooses a side on particular argument or issue and tries to convince the reader to support the same side on the argument. The most  successful  and effective persuasive essay appeals to both the readers’ logic and emotions. Persuasive writing is also referred to as creative writing or simply an argument in which the writer was penetrating words and phrases to woo the readers into believing or supporting the writers’ opinion. Persuasive writing involves convincing the reader to perform an act or to simply agree with the writer’s view of the argument.Persuasive writing is  ubiquitous one and the top three writing types in the world next to descriptive narrative. Persuasive writers have many techniques to elucidate and to improve their argument and support their claim. Persuasive essay, â€Å"a writing that offers and support on opinion. † CHARACTERISTICS OF PERSUASIVE WRITING N ot too long: a thesis of a persuasive essay should not be too long because if it is lengthy the readers may lose interest quickly hence wouldn’t get the message you would be trying to deliver to them.But in fact you should only write a short, straight to the point essay as it works best at convincing readers. Consistency: it is very important to be consistent when writing a persuasive essay because if you are inconsistent the readers will think you are unstable and do not know what you are talking about and they won’t be convinced by your arguments. Therefore by being consistent the readers will realise that you are rational and have integrity about your writing hence they are easily convinced.Arguments supported with statistics and citation of sources of information: when writing a persuasive essay it is very important to support your arguments with statistics to instil a sense of trust in your readers. It also shows the reliability of your essay and this will leave t he readers with no choice but to agree with your opinion. Citation of sources enhances professionalism and strengthens the credibility of your essay hence the readers are easily convinced. CONCLUSIONWith the structure of persuasive writing it is important that it is organised, straight forward, convincing and all the points should be supported. Without these points a persuasive essay won’t really be a persuasive essay. Finally with the characteristics for a persuasive piece, these are being emotionally engaged with the audience so that they stay hooked to what you are actually saying and the piece should be written from the perspective of the readers with supporting facts and statistics.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

School Dress Code essays

School Dress Code essays Having students wear school uniforms has been a big debate among communities across the country for several years. The issue of school dress code has both strong supporters and opposition. This essay will consider arguments that school uniform should not be a part of our childrens education and to point out some of the problems with these views. It will then put forth the reasons for the introduction of mandatory dress code programs in schools that do not already have them. Most parents would agree that the main reason they send their children to school is to learn. Things that can help their children learn to the best of their ability are suitable and things that can hurt their chances of getting good education are unacceptable. School violence is a problem in many schools today. One of the answers to insure that children are safe in school is the introduction of school uniforms. According to the U.S. Department of Education, there are many benefits to having school uniforms. School uniforms help decrease violence and theft among students over designer sneakers or clothing, it prevents gang members from wearing gang colors and paraphernalia at school, and it instills discipline in students. Not only do school uniforms decrease violence in school but it also aids in helping students to resist peer-pressure, concentrate on their school work, and helping school officials recognize intruders who come to the school. (manual.) It has been argued that school uniforms violate freedom of expression. Some students feel that they should be allowed to wear whatever they want to school. They believe that clothing is one of the most important ways of expressing themselves. Another concern with the dress code policy is the cost of uniforms for students. Some parents believe that it is in fact more expensive to provide their children with special attire for school as opposed to regular st ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

To Err is Human

To Err is Human To Err is Human To Err is Human By Maeve Maddox If you are an American speaker, you probably pronounce the word err to rhyme with air. Although American, I went to school to nuns from Newfoundland; I learned to pronounce err to rhyme with fur, as in Pope’s verse, â€Å"To err is human; to forgive, divine.† Literally, â€Å"to err† means â€Å"to wander or go astray from a marked path.† The noun error originally meant â€Å"the act of wandering.† Nowadays, both words are used only figuratively. One meaning of err is â€Å"to go wrong in judgment or opinion†: IPCC scientist and Pennsylvania State University professor of meteorology Michael Mann [said], Many scientists felt that report erred by underplaying the degree of confidence in the linkage between climate change and certain types of severe weather In a religious context, â€Å"to err† means â€Å"to go astray† or â€Å"to sin†: Affluence causes people to err from the Truth. False teachers cause the faithful to err by their ignorance. Err rarely occurs in everyday speech except in the idiom â€Å"to err on the side of caution†: We cancelled a trip to California this month because of uncertainty over the safety of flying. I’d rather err on the side of caution. I’d rather doctors erred on the side of caution than risk a fatality. â€Å"To err on the side of caution† means, â€Å"to make the mistake of being more careful than necessary, rather than make the mistake of not taking sufficient precautions and later regretting it.† The American pronunciation of err to rhyme with air is the source of spelling errors: There doesn’t seem to be a true consensus on whether a UV filter is absolutely necessary for your lens. However I would rather air on the side of caution and have one. When unsure if crossing a public boundary that may create feelings of discomfort, it is best to air on the side of caution and simply send a private message. With rabies, ALWAYS  air on the side of caution. Another common error with err is semantic. Some speakers seem to think that â€Å"on the side of† in the expression â€Å"to err on the side of caution† means â€Å"to be on the side of,† or â€Å"to prefer† or â€Å"to show preference toward.† These speakers substitute other nouns for caution, with some interesting results: I tend to  err on the side of sports  car tires v rated or higher for the best grip. A standard television gives about 35 ftL. Big cinemas are about 15ftL. Definitely err on the side of television. I like both [cats and dogs] but I’d err on the side of dogs. Hide behind your money, boys. Mayor Bloomberg will always err on the side of wealth. I’ve also seen: err on the side of misery and guilt err on the side of disappointment err on the side of intelligence Two ways to avoid errors with the verb err: 1. Always end the phrase â€Å"err on the side of† with the word caution. 2. Remember the alternative pronunciation that makes err rhyme with fur. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Apply to, Apply for, and Apply with50 Types of PropagandaPersonification vs. Anthropomorphism

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 9

Leadership - Essay Example as observed that , transformational leaders who may happen to have narcissistic tendencies can apply a very powerful influence over followers, who may give them trust and respect (Stone, Russel and Patterson, 2003, p.4) as to manipulate the latter. Manipulating followers may actually be violating the latter’s very freedom as the act would amount to misleading them to choosing what is proper as free human beings. These followers may virtually submit their wills to their leaders. The possibility of this argument is due to the appeal to emotions which a key ingredient to practice transformational leadership. The source of the first criticism is the fact that there are allegedly people who were transformational leaders who led their people to destruction. Used as examples are the cases of Rev Jim Jones and Hitler. In the case of Jones, the leader caused massive Jonestown suicide after convincing his people of the value of his proposition no matter how evil it may be (Krans, B. 2007). Which could be more evil than taking one’s life by the instigation of a leader who is supposed to espouse and value life and on the greatest values on human being? The case of Hitler is too familiar to escape mentioning the same when it comes to leaders who could move their followers to attainment of objectives and goals of the group. Who could imagine that Hitler was able to have the command of his followers to exterminate millions of Jews as to offend the sensibility of human kind? Hitler and Himmler, his fanatical racist and ultimate bureaucrat what able to take control of anti-Jewish initiatives and Hitler was the ideological and political author of the Holocaust (Farmer, 2010). The reasoning behind the criticism is assumption that there is a tendency by the transformational leaders to take advantage of the emotions of the followers who may forget about the supremacy of reason because they have virtually submitted their beliefs and wills to their leader because of their